We've learned that we can figure out the single-digit quotient, or answer, for two-digit divisor problems using estimation. This time around, we'll use estimation to determine two-digit quotients for two-digit divisor problems. Let's look at this division problem, which has a two-digit quotient: To start, it's important to determine the first part of 741 that we can divide by 32. That is 74. The first part of the answer goes above the 4 in the tens place. Next, we work the estimation problem. The estimation problem is 7 divided by 3. We know 3 goes into 7 two times. We place a 2 above the ones digit of 74. Then we multiply 2 by 32 and get 64 (2 x 32 = 64). We write 64 under 74 and then subtract. The difference we get is 10. Instead of writing the 10 in front of 1, we will bring down the 1. Now we will divide 101 by 32 (101 ÷ 32). The answer will go above the 1 in the ones place. The 10 is a remainder, so we don't have to write a zero in the answer. We will need another estimation problem for 101 divided by 32. The estimation problem is 10 divided by 3 (10 ÷ 3). We get 3 as our quotient. We write the 3 above the 1 in the ones place. Finally, we multiply 3 times 32 and get 96 (3 x 32= 96). We subtract 96 from 101 and get 5. This is our remainder. The quotient for 741 divided by 32 equals 23 with a remainder of 5 (741 ÷ 32 = 23 + R5). |
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- How to do long division with two digit quotients?