How to do long division with 2 digit divisor

Introduction of division with 2 digit divisor:
          In mathematics, especially in elementary arithmetic, division (÷) is the arithmetic operation that is the inverse of multiplication.
Specifically, if c time’s b equals a, written:
           c x b = a
Where b is not zero, then a divided by b equals c, written:
            = c.
In the above expression, a is called the dividend
Source: Wikipedia

Step by Step Process of Division with 2 Digit Divisor

In following steps for division with 2 digit divisor 100 by 12
Step 1:-
  12 | 100
       In the above equation 12 is divisor and 100 is dividend. In the divisor has two decimal numbers put the value dividend of 10.
Step 2:-
  12 | 100
      Normally divide the values one by one .The first dividend value is less than from divisor value. So directly divided by three digits. In 12 x 8 = 96 the divisor number 12 is multiplied with 8 to get an answer 96.In 96 is less than from 100. So use the values then subtracts the value and get remainder is 4.
Step 3:-
12  | 100

         The value 4 has no more value in the right side. So put 0 to get 40 and put decimal point on the quotient. Then normal dividing 12 x 3= 36 the divisor number 12 is multiplied with 3 to get an answer 36. In 36 is less than from 40.So use the value then subtract the value we get 4.
Step 4:-
  12 | 100
                  4 (Continued)

         The value 4 has no more value in the right side. So put 0 to get 40 and put decimal point on the quotient. Then normal dividing 12 x 3= 36 the divisor number 12 is multiplied with 3 to get an answer 36. In 36 is less than from 40.So use the value then subtract the value we get 4.

Example Problem for Division with 2 Digit Divisor

Division with 2 digit divisor 120 by 20
  20 | 120
Solution :
In following steps for how to solve 120 divided by 20
Step 1:-
    In the above equation 20 is divisor and 120 is dividend. In the divisor has two decimal numbers put the value dividend of 20.
Step 2:-
    Normally divide the values one by one .The first dividend value is less than from divisor value. So directly divided by three digits. In 20 x 6 = 120 the divisor number 20 is multiplied with 6 to get an answer 120.In 120 is equal to 120. So use the values then subtracts the value and get remainder is 0.

More books about long division for kids

Mathimagination Series: Book A, beginning multiplication and division; Book B, operations with whole numbers; Book C, number theory, sets and number bases; Book D, fractions; Book E, decimals and percentDecimals and Percentages With Pre- And Post-Tests: Place Value, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division

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