1. A graph G has n + k points. A is a subset of n points and B is the subset of the other k points. Each point of A is joined to at least k - m points of B where nm < k. Show that there is a point in B which is joined every point in A.
3. The real numbers x1, x4, y1, y2 are positive and the real numbers x2, x3, y3, y4 are negative. We have (xi - a)2 + (yi - b)2 ≤ c2 for i = 1, 2, 3, 4. Show that a2 + b2 ≤ c2. State the result in geometric language.
4. Two circles centers O and O', radii R and R', meet at two points. A variable line L meets the circles at A, C, B, D in that order and AC/AD = CB/BD. The perpendiculars from O and O' to L have feet H and H'. Find the locus of H and H'. If OO'2 < R2 + R'2, find a point P on L such that PO + PO' has the smallest possible value. Show that this value does not depend on the position of L. Comment on the case OO'2 > R2 + R'2.
2. Answer: π/2
We have 3 sin x - sin 3x = 4 sin3x. Put s = sin x. Then we want 2/s3 + 3s2 ≤ 5. Note that since 0 < x < π we have s positive. But by AM/GM we have 1/s3 + 1/s3 + s2 + s2 + s2 > 5 with equality iff s = 1, so we must have sin x = 1 and hence x = π/2.
3. Stated geometrically, the result is: if a disk includes a point in each quadrant, then it must also include the origin. We use the fact that a disk is convex. Let Pi be the point (xi,yi). The segment P1P2 must intersect the positive x-axis. By convexity, the point of intersection, call it X, must lie in the disk. Similarly, P3P4 must intersect the negative x-axis at some point Y, which must be in the disk. Then all points of the segment XY are in the disk and hence, in particular, the origin.
Vietnam Mathematical Olympiad
Source: http://321math.blogspot.com